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    • 噴(pēn)泉設備:噴泉(quán)設備回水槽的步驟
    • 本站編輯:杭州揚晨泵業有限公司發布日期:2019-08-18 10:18 瀏覽次數:
















    Fountain equipment back water tank construction method

    1. Check permanent leveling point, lay temporary leveling point and check elevation.

    2. Measure and set the middle pile of fountain equipment flume, raise the pipeline in situ, discharge the side line of excavation groove, heap soil, heap material interval and temporary land use plan.


    3. During the excavation of the groove, the height of the groove bottom shall be strictly controlled and never overdug. The height of the groove bottom can be trekked 10cm higher than the depicted height, leaving some to be left. The earthwork dug out in the trench is stacked 1.0 meters away from the edge of the trench, and the support method is adopted in the dangerous area of soft soil to prevent the collapse of the trench.

    4. Plain earth at the bottom of the tank is rammed, and MU5.0 rubble M5 cement mortar masonry is used to surround the four sides of the tank:

    A. Selection of original data: in order to reduce hydration heat, grade 32.5 slag cement is selected; Considering the pumping ability of concrete, reducing the shortening, ensuring the strength, durability and crack resistance of trudging concrete, 5-31.5mm continuous diameter gravel is selected. In order to reach the concrete mixing temperature of 28.5 degrees, deep well groundwater mixing is selected. The concrete is mixed with UEA expansion agent and superslow efficient pumping agent to offset the shortening of the concrete, delay the release of hydrates, reduce the temperature stress of the bottom plate, and make it pump. Incorporating Ц grade fly ash in concrete.

    B fountain equipment pouring method: begged the one-time pouring finished, do not leave construction joints, strengthen the bottom and wall of the pool seepage prevention water adjustment. Concrete is poured from bottom to top by "inclined plane layering, self-sealing, thin layer pouring, natural activities, continuous construction, one time to the top" method.

    C vibration: vibration time, vibration point interval and penetration depth should be strictly controlled to avoid leakage vibration at the junction of each casting belt. Trek concrete and steel grip force, increase compactness.

    D fountain equipment surface and bleeding treatment: the cement mortar on the concrete surface after pouring and molding is thick, the elevation should be scraped flat with a scraper to drive away the surface bleeding. Before initial setting, the surface should be repeatedly rolled and pressed with wooden trowel for 2-3 times to squeeze and collect water cracks.

    E fountain equipment concrete protection: because of engineering construction, it is autumn, the temperature difference between noon and night is large, in order to ensure the quality of concrete construction, control the onset of temperature cracks, choose water storage protection. Before water storage, choose to cover a layer of plastic film, a layer of straw bag, for temporary protection of moisture.

    5. Refer to the drawing for equipment of overflow and inlet pipelines.

    6. After the completion of the fountain equipment pipeline construction, the water grate cover plate of the equipment:

    A. The information of the inwelling water grate cover plate is stainless steel. Specification is 600*600, four corners fixed use of 108* 4,25 high stainless steel ring, the four sides are 30*30*3 stainless steel, diagonal line is 38*25*1.5 stainless steel square tube, the four side partition of the bar selection of 25*25*1.0 stainless steel square tube.

    B the water grate of the water back sink has a width of 600, and its length is determined on site. The stainless steel tubes of 30*30*3 are used for welding on the four sides, and the bars of 25*25*1.0 are used for welding in the middle
